Theo is a lovely British Blue who presented to Southpaws with lameness in his left hind leg. After Xrays revealed capital physeal dysplasia with separation of the femoral head on both sides of Theo’s hips. Southpaws specialist surgeon performed a Total Hip Replacement. Craniolateral approaches to each hip side were made. The joint capsules were incised and the coxofemoral joint luxated. Size 12 acetabular cups were fitted. The femur was prepared and a size 3 stem fitted with liquid PMMA inserted into the femoral canal. A +2 8mm head was placed. Theo recovered well from his surgery requiring lots of crate rest, which he didn’t like much. Upon release Theo resumed a normal happy and healthy life. Southpaws specialist surgeons can perform a wide range of orthopaedic surgeries from Total Hip Replacement to TPLO and fracture repairs.