Hi my name is Rex. I started having fits a couple of weeks ago, had a terrible headache and felt angry and scared all the time. It turns out I had a brain tumour of all things! I went to visit Southpaws and Dr Charles Kuntz and Dr Kath Duncan actually took my brain tumour out through my eye socket ! I spent three days in hospital afterwards under the care of Dr Paul Crocker and I was up and walking again and ready to go home. Since then I have felt amazing and back to my happy old self. To all you other pups, OK and cats, you should know that brain tumours don’t always mean disaster. Southpaws specialist surgeons have performed thousands of successful brain and spine surgeries on dogs and cats between them, and pet owners can go and see them for a free consultation by referral. They have all the latest imaging including CT, Xray, endoscopy and fluoroscopy and surgical equipment, just like a hooman hospital.